Wednesday, January 2, 2013


So here goes I decided to start a blog! For anyone crazy enough to follow me here is your fair warning: *This blog probably won't be very exciting or cool!* It's more of a way for me to document different things I'm trying and whether or not they worked (think craft projects, recipes, etc).  So remember you were warned this may be a little boring or crazy depending on how adventurous I get and how great my follow thru is.  Thank you to anyone who actually reads this. I'm flattered that you've taken the time to check out  my blog!


  1. If you're worried about not having much to talk about some times, I challenge you to do the Thirty Things blog series!

    That's the beginning of mine!

    I look forward to getting to know you HERE more! :)

    1. Thanks for the inspiration! I have a couple of craft project I want to blog about to get me started but I love this idea.

  2. Hooray! :) Congrats on making the leap. And I love the title, very inspiring. You go girl!

  3. Great start! I look forward to hearing about your craft ideas. Maybe it will inspire me to start my crocheting again.

  4. Yay!!! Glad you started your blog. Looking forward to your posts! :)
